Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 7- Top 10 Tech Tools I Can't Live Without

1.  iPad/ laptop- There is no way that I could survive, especially in the teaching world, if I did not have access to a computer or netbook.  I have become accustomed to being able to look up information anytime, anywhere, which was not an option back in the days of desktops and dial up.

2.  Social Networking- I am addicted. It is a problem.  I have been on Faceook since I was in college at Auburn (circa 2003).  I am now enjoying Twitter and Pinterest, which keeps me busy. 

3.  Prezi- I really enjoy this site as opposed to just using PowerPoint, which most of my students are bored with anyway. 

4.  Google Search Engine- This is an obvious choice.  I use this at least 10 times a day to find phone numbers, get directions, etc. 

5.  Skype/iChat- I live away from most of my friends and family, so iChat and Skype have become a way of life for me and my family. 

6. Blogger- I have been an avid blogger for the past three years.  I really enjoy it.  It is a great way for my family to keep up with all of the things going on with us and vice versa. 

7.  Delicious- What a great way to keep up with all the educational sites you find online?  I have really enjoyed referring to these websites throughout the semester. 

8.  Microsoft Office- As an English teacher, I use this daily. 

9.  Smartphone- I coud not live without my smartphone.  I tried to fight the smartphone craze when they first came out, but now that I have given in, I am ALL in.  I use my apps and Internet daily.

10. Jump Drive- If I were to lose my jump drive, I feel as though I would lose my life.  I have everything saved to it.  Luckily, my husband introduced me to the wonders of an external drive, so all of my information is backed up as well. 


  1. Pinterest is one of my very favorite hobbies! I'm indeed addicted!

  2. I agree that google search and microsoft office is a must. I am also addicited to facebook.
