Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 5- Qualities of a Good Digital Citizen?

With the ever increasing focus on the use of technology in the classroom, it has become more and more important to ensure that we as educators teach and inform our faculty, staff, and students about the importance of being a good digital citizen.  There are many values that coincide with one who is a good digital citizen.  For example, although many people know about the consequences involved with plagiarism, there are many that do not fully understand the meaning of fair use as well as the regulations and guidelines that go along with it.

A good digital citizen not only knows and understands the meaning of plagiarism and the regulations involved in fair use, but they also abide by the do's and don'ts of online "nettiquette".  These unwritten rules are important for the growing online population to know and understand.  For example, one netiquette rule is that a post should always be respectful to others so as not to push others away from reading. 

Yet another reason it is important to be a good digital citizen is to protect your personal information.  It is important for all those who make purchases, post pictures, or describe themselves online to be aware that there are many people who are looking to take advantage of their information and pass it off as their own.   A good digital citizen is aware of these issues and do all that they can to protect themselves against identity theft. 


  1. Nice blog post. I like the use of the word understanding because it requires more than knowledge of plagiarism to explain what fair use is. Netiquette rules dictate that you read privacy policies. They generally explain how and who can use content.

  2. Digital project was fun. I enjoyed doing my powerpoint presentation. This project will be good to use in a classroom.

  3. The digital citizen poject helped me learn a lot about misuse on the internet. We need to be aware of all copyright and fair use laws.

  4. I agree that the digital citizenship project was beneficial. It exposed me to the different aspects of having a good digital citizenship reputation. Plagiarism, copyright and fair use laws are important to know about to protect your digital reputation.

  5. I agree that reputation is a must. Cheating is something that will never get you anywhere, but in trouble.

  6. Hello Ashley,
    I enjoyed reading your comments. I know I am just learning all these new gadgets, so I must be very careful about what I post on the internet. Studying these topics really make us be aware of the laws governing copyright and fair use, plagiarism. As educators, I agree with you that we must train our students about these laws.
