Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 6- Mobile Apps

Great Apps for English Teachers

1. Grammar Up- This app helps students with their grammar in many different ways. They can plug in sample sentences and it will check for correctness.  In addition, their are quizzes available for students to take in order to check their understanding. 

2. Merriam-Webster Dictionary- This app gives students instant access to a dictionary to use while writing or reading a particularly difficult chapter of The Scarlet Letter, for example. 

3.  Writing Prompts- This app gives you over 600 creative writing prompts to use throughout the semester to get your students creative side flowing on paper.

4.  Poem Flow- I would use this app for when I teach poetry to my students poetry.  This app will read the poem to the students, which will show the inflections necessary for better understanding. 

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