Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week 4- Material Generators

After reading about the different types of materials builders described in the textbook, I realized that there are a lot of technological tools that I have never been exposed to (or exposed my students to, for that matter).  However, there were a few material generators that I have become extremely familiar with over the past few years of teaching.  For example, I use whiteboard software quite often because each classroom in our school includes a whiteboard.  We were all sent to professional development and were taught many of the different ways whiteboards can be used in the classroom.  My students are given questions on the whiteboard to answer as well as sentences to edit during our grammar class.

Another material generator that I am somewhat familiar with is test generators.  A huge focus in my class is placed on ACT readiness as well as AHSGE readiness.  I use test generators quite often to pose questions to my students that they can take online, which mimic the standardized tests they will take at the end of the semester.  After taking the generated quiz, I use the answer key to show my students the correct answers. 

One type of software that I haven't used often, but that I think would be an effective tool is the graphic document makers.  I think that this would be useful for analyzing characters in a work of fiction, determining motives, or working with other literary elements.  This type of software might be a good tool to have students work on and then share with a group of peers. 


  1. I can see how the whiteboard software could be used in the classroom and could be benifical. This is something I have not been exposed to in the PE department here at UWA. I would love to use it in my classroom. I would like to sit in on a seminar class and learn how to use it. I would also like to learn how to use is the graphic markers as well.

  2. Hello Ashley,
    I have used test generator, but I don't get a chance to use it as much because all of our classes are inclusion. I also like IEP generator because all we have to do is type the information in. In the past we had to write all that suff in. This is so much better.
