Thursday, March 28, 2013

Web 2.0 Resources

Honestly, I felt like this was a tough assignment.  After completing the first concept map, I was a little more familiar with using it, but I still wasn't sure about how thorough I should be.  I tend to use a lot of details, so condensing everything down into a few little boxes was a struggle.  The glogster activity was by far the most time consuming.  I am sure I spent over two hours trying to figure it out.  I used a template that was provided by the website, but it would not let me edit, so I had to start all over again (twice).  I found the animoto assignment to be very interesting, and I could actually see myself using that in the future.  For my free choice, I chose to create Fake Book accounts for Romeo and Juliet, which I know my students would love to do themselves!  Although this assignment was very time consuming, I did learn about a few new programs that I had never heard of previously. 

Concept Map:



Free Choice: Fake Book Page Romeo Juliet

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